2023 Officers and Board of Directors
President: Mark Schwartz
Vice President: Open
Secretary/Treasurer: David Brookshire
Directors through 2026: Jerry Haygood & Danny Harvey
Directors through 2025: Ronnie Brannon/TBD
Directors through 2024: Doug Clack/David Mallett
President Emerita: Evelyn Williams
President Emeritus: PN Williams
2024 Board of Directors' Meetings
Q1: March 28, 2024
Meetings are held at PN and Evelyn Williams' home. Attendance is required of all current Directors and Officers of the Club. While only the duly elected Directors and Officers cast votes, all Tara members are welcome to attend and share your opinions at the Board Meetings.
Please contact an officer for more info or to RSVP.
Don't forget to bring a dish if you would like to participate in the potluck!
Position Appointments
Updates & Announcements
Bee-Yard Leaders
Mark Schwartz
Deb DeWitt
Mary Cahill-Roberts
Jerry Haygood
David Brookshire
PN Williams
Raffle Coordinator
David Brookshire
Jerry Haygood
Deb DeWitt
Club Photographer
Meredith White
Club Librarian
Evelyn Williams
PN Williams
Social Media
Whitney Smith
GBA-BoD Delegate
Mary Cahill-Roberets
Committees (open for any member to join)
Nominations Committee
Picnic Committee
Long Course Committee
Holiday Party and Christmas Dinner
Club History and Archives
Beekeeper of the Year
Instagram & Twitter @TaraBeekeepers Facebook @TaraBeekeepersAssociation