Do not be afraid of honey bee swarms!
Honey bee swarms are a natural and common occurrence. While you should always respect wild creatures by keeping your distance and remaining calm, you are typically not in danger as long as you do not disturb a swarm. Honey bees are our friends; they are our partners in agriculture and the environment.
When bees are in swarm mode, they have one goal...find a home. They are not interested in stinging you.
There is no need to panic. If left alone, they will find a home and move on. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
Honey bees
are the official
State Insect
of Georgia
and they are
protected by law.
do not call an exterminator.
Call a beekeeper.
Reputable exterminators will not kill honey bees but others may.
Have you seen a swarm?
The pictures on this page are of swarms in the Metro Atlanta area that our members have photographed and caught. If you see a swarm of honey bees and would like them removed, please text or call us at 404-369-3809. We have club members throughout the area that can capture swarms.
Here are some things to consider in advance:
1. Don't panic.
2. Don't panic. We can't state this clearly enough.
3. Are they honey bees? For reference pictures of honey bees versus other bees, wasps and hornets, visit this useful site with great pictures and descriptions.
4. Please give us 10 -15 minutes to respond before calling someone else. This is a second job for most of us. If the bees move on, it means they've found a home.
5. We will undoubtedly have questions for you regarding the swarm. To the best of your knowledge, try to describe:
•The approximate size of the swarm (using familiar terms such as softball, volleyball, basketball).
• How long has the swarm been at this location.
• How high off the ground is the swarm.
• The exact address of the property where the swarm is located.
• Is this public or private property? If private, please give the contact information of the owner, if possible.
• Have the bees been disturbed (sprayed with anything, or otherwise bothered) by anyone?
Our club members rescue swarms throughout Metro Atlanta and surrounding regions, including:
Fulton, Dekalb, Clayton, Fayette, Henry, Spalding, Butts, Cobb, Douglas, and Paulding Counties
Instagram & Twitter @TaraBeekeepers Facebook @TaraBeekeepersAssociation