Tara Club Meetings
We meet regularly on the third Monday of each month (unless otherwise noted) at 7pm at the Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church
We enjoy presentations from a wide array of guests and we get together socially at annual club functions beyond our monthly meetings.
Jimmy Gatt teaches about Trees and Shrubs that Support Honeybees & Other Pollinators during the Spring of 2019

Beekeepers Corner

Mary Cahill-Roberts closes out 2017 with her lecture about how to make Creamed Honey.

Dr. Keith Delaplane starts off 2018 with Bees in nature and what we can learn from them.
After each meeting, we encourage beekeepers (both new and experienced) to join in our informal discussions and displays where beekeeping questions are asked and answered. We share our best practices, analyze our techniques or mistakes, and provide hands-on opportunities. Thinking about making an investment in gear or equipment or a new product? Ask here, first.
Typical Topics:
Timing - Understanding the Life-Cycle of the Honeybee
Favorite Equipment & Hand Tools - Gimmick or Great
Protective Clothing & Gear
Your First Few Months with Bees
Summertime Care for Our Colonies
Beekeeping Fears & Fiction
Preparing Your Products from the Hive for Presentation
How to Tell If Your Bees Are Doing Well... or Not

Ronnie, Phyl, Jerry & Stephen discussing Protective Clothing during the Beekeepers' Corner.
Snacks & Socializing

Food & fellowship has been a fun part of our club's ethos since we were founded. We place a great deal of value on the time we socialize with one another. We believe this provides an additional opportunity for us to informally learn more about beekeeping from from each other.
Some of our members enjoy bringing something special for the snacks we share when we socialize after our meeting. If you would like to bring a snack, please contact one of our club officers so they can get you on the schedule.
Instagram & Twitter @TaraBeekeepers Facebook @TaraBeekeepersAssociation